Sunday, January 20, 2008

Jay Tieber announces Candidacy for State Representative

I have decided after some deliberation to seek the honor of representing you in the Ohio House of Representatives.
As always, we face many challenges as we seek to sustain and enhance the quality of our lives in Greene County. We also have great opportunities. It is becoming increasingly known that our communities are great places to live with a wonderful balance of resources. We have good access to jobs, education and many of the amenities associated with large cities, while much of our district retains a rural character with natural surroundings and much outdoor recreational opportunity.
We have a large presence of government activity in and near our district and we are therefore economically dependant on those assets to a significant degree. It will be my pleasure and responsibility to attend to the needs of our local governments, our schools and colleges, and Wright Patterson AFB to ensure the greatest benefits to our communities and residents.
We want to ensure that State of Ohio government is responsive to our needs without imposing undue burdens on our workers and businesses in terms of taxes and regulations. A principal activity of government is to ensure the safety and security of its citizens. It will be important to create and tailor state economic development policies that help our businesses without creating burdensome state programs. We need to protect our environment so our citizens can enjoy clean air and water. And we need to sustain the programs that offer support to those suffering misfortune for reasons not of their choosing.
These things must be done while ensuring maximum efficiency so that the size of our state government is as small and inexpensive as possible. At this time the total tax burden of our citizens ranks among the top 10% of the states and this is not acceptable.
We need to make Ohio the most attractive state for business. There is a history of creativity in our communities and, with proper nurturing, we can reestablish the record of innovation that Ohio has enjoyed in the past.
We have a world class asset in our community and that is the intellectual wealth offered by the people and activities at Wright Patterson AFB. The promise of the facility will be more completely realized upon arrival of the assets programmed by the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Commission. This will be for me a matter of great interest and attention. As a result of the enhanced resources at the Base there will be an even greater opportunity to spin off research products to benefit and create local companies. The result will be greater economic advantages for our citizens.
I am thankful for the opportunity to seek this position through the freedom and democratic process we have in America. I look forward to meeting the citizens of our district to learn about your ideas and concerns.

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